One of the sickest examples of diabolical double-think and feminazi newspeak is the way in which media pundits on CNN and MSNBC are perpetually describing the pro-life movement as waging a “war on women”. In reality, “planned parenthood” is leading to widespread gendercide in India and China where an estimated 200 million girls have been aborted for the “crime” of being female. It is indeed ironically apt in this season in which we celebrate the birth of Christ that we also commemorate the slaughter of the Holy Innocents (December 28). Herod sought to make war on Christ and Christmas by ordering the death of all the baby boys in his kingdom. Today, abortion advocates have legitimized the killing of baby girls on a scale that outstrips not only Herod but also Hitler.
Make no mistake about it, the feminazi war on women is one of the worst crimes against humanity, or at least the female half of humanity, in the whole of history.
See this link for more details of the culture of death’s gendercide: