The St. Austin Review’s mission is to reclaim the culture of Christendom. In the print edition we publish articles on literature, history, philosophy, film, theatre, the visual arts and music. With regard to the last of these, I am grateful to Susan Treacy, professor of music at Ave Maria University, who has written a regular music column for the print edition of StAR for many years. It is, however, a pity that Susan cannot illustrate her articles by allowing us to listen to the music of which she writes, whereas articles on the visual arts do not suffer this handicap. One advantage of a blog over the print edition is that we can post music to the site, sharing it with others. This being so, I’m going to occasionally share great music with visitors to the Ink Desk. Last Friday I posted the Catholic Cajun band, L’Angelus, performing at World Youth Day in Madrid. L’Angelus are all members of the same family, which is something they share in common with Oesch’s die Dritten, a family group from Switzerland. The older man on the accordion is the father, the guitarist is a son, and the vocals are shared between mother and daughter. It’s the daughter who steals the show in this performance. It’s Swiss folk music at its best and will lift the heart of all but those whose hearts are made of lead. Click the link and enjoy!