I recently received the following email from Dale Ahlquist of the American Chesterton Society:


Good Chestertonians, one and all!

There are certain books by G.K. Chesterton that are simply essential. We have added another one to that list.

IN DEFENSE OF SANITY: The Best Essays of G.K. Chesterton is now available.

Even those who love Chesterton very much forget that he is first and foremost an essayist. His detective stories, his epic poems, his books on philosophy, religion, and society are all important, but they represent only a fraction of what he wrote. The problem, of course, is where do you begin reading five thousand essays?


Begin here.


I had the daunting but delightful task – along with Joseph Pearce and Aidan Mackey – of selecting the 67 essays for this collection.  We strove to present the master essayist at his craft, showing his amazing grasp on any subject he touches from cheese to gargoyles to the advantages of having one leg. Along the way, we get a look at mysticism, architecture, and dreams.


The difference between stained glass windows and fireworks. And even the difference between the two sexes, and why that difference might even be considered important. And then are skeletons, Jane Austen, islands, Prohibition, and rotten apples. Every object is an object lesson. Every little truth points to a very big truth.

From Chesterton’s earliest essays to his last, he was a consistent, comprehensive, and complete thinker who seems more relevant today than when he first penned these essays a century ago. You will be inspired, entertained, and informed. And astonished.

I urge you to get a copy, and give a copy.

Visit our store to purchase In Defense of Sanity online or call us at 1-800-343-2425 to place an order by phone.