A correspondent has requested information on the infamous Jesuit, Henry Garnet, implicated in the Gunpowder Plot and executed in 1606 for his alleged role in it. Here’s my response:


The best books in my library for information on Henry Garnet are John Gerard: The Autobiography of an Elizabethan, translated from the Latin by Philip Caraman (Oxford: Family Publications, 2006 [various earlier editions published, including a 1955 edn. with an introduction by Graham Greene]) and The Gunpowder Plot by Hugh Ross Williamson (Long Prairie, MN, 1996 [originally London: Faber & Faber, 1951]). An Autobiography from the Jesuit Underground by William Weston, also translated by Philip Caraman and with a foreword by Evelyn Waugh (New York: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1955), contains many references to Garnet but little of worth about his role in the Gunpowder Plot because Weston had been exiled by that time.