I’m delighted to be able to post information about an exciting new literary initiative for Catholic (girl) teens. This new e-magazine is further evidence of an embryonic and vital literary revival amongst today’s Catholics. May it continue to grow and prosper!

Here’s the text of the e-mail that I’ve received:

My name is Shaylynn and I’m a 16 year old Catholic. I’m on the staff of the Ink and Fairydust magazine.
I was wondering if you wanted to share the link to the magazine on your blog.

The website is:  www.inkandfairydust.com

It all started as a pet project by the teens of the Fairy Tale Novel
Forum (a forum of Regina Doman’s fans). Over the past year the
newsletter has grown into a full-blown free e-mag. We recently
invited people outside of the forum to join the team.

I&F is not specifically Catholic (about 1/4 of our writers are
Protestant), but we have a very Catholic worldview. Obviously you
won’t find anything anti-Catholic like most Christian teen magazines
have, and we do talk about the saints and such. However, the focus
is more on living a Christian life than about teaching the faith. We
don’t write on current events but more on literary and timeless

The magazine is focused on faith and creativity. Many of us hope to
be writers or artists when we grow up. You can look at the website
for more information!

All of us have poured huge amounts of time and energy into this
project (quite a feat for highschoolers, you have to admit!), and we
would love to share it with everyone. Ever since True Girl died a
second time, there have been no Catholic teen magazines on the
market. Hopefully I&F can make up for part of that!

One thing though: about 90% off the writers are girls, so while boys
might enjoy parts of it, I’d say its a bit more girl-oriented. smile

Thank you!

God Bless,
Shaylynn Rackers
Illustrator, comic writer, photographer, graphics team member,
occasional article writer, webmaster, AND self-proclaimed Mighty
Advertising Monster. LOL! 😀       (You should see the “official”
titles some of the others have!)