Just received from a priest who is a regular visitor to this site:


Your website is very useful and easy to read and view.
I recently read Joseph Pearce’s book, The Quest for Shakespeare. I enjoyed
reading it and wondered if he was considering writing another book on the
Catholic convert, playwright and poet laureate, John Dryden? Yours, -Fr.

And my reply:


Dear Father B,


Thanks for your note to the website, which has been forwarded to me.


I share your admiration for the great John Dryden and would certainly like to have the opportunity to write about him. Although I’m not sure that I’ll ever be able to write a full-length biography, I would like to write about Catholic literary history in a broader context, in the form of a prequel to my book, Literary Converts. Such a book, if it’s ever written, would pay all due attention to Dryden’s legacy as a literary convert, alongside that other great seventeenth century convert poet, Richard Crashaw.