I am honoured to be one of the participants in a new series of monthly webinars, which I would recommend to anyone interested in the Great Books and the Great Conversation that has animated and forged western civilization. Organized by the People’s Institute for Lifelong Learning and Reading (PILLAR), here are the details:

Saturday, January 28th (11AM EST webinar):
“Introduction and Welcome: What is a Classic?” by Brian G. Daigle
Webinar Tasks:

  • Pillar Members will vote for March classic book (options below)
    • Tremendous Trifles by G.K. Chesterton
    • Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
    • Confessions by Augustine
    • The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot
    • The Aeneid by Virgil

Saturday, February 25th (11AM EST webinar)
Out of the Ashes by Anthony Esolen
Webinar with Anthony Esolen
Saturday, March 25th (11AM EST webinar)
Pillar Members choose classic book
Webinar with Brian G. Daigle
Saturday, April 29th (11AM EST webinar)
The Benedict Option by Rod Dreher
Webinar with Rod Dreher 
Saturday, May 27th (11AM EST webinar)
Pillar Members choose classic book
Webinar with Brian G. Daigle
Saturday, June 24th (11AM EST webinar)
The Soul and the City by Thomas Achord
Webinar with Thomas Achord 

Saturday, July 29th (11AM EST webinar)
Pillar Members choose classic book
Webinar with Brian G. Daigle
Saturday, August 26th (11AM EST webinar)
Heroes of the City of Man by Peter Leithart
Webinar with Peter Leithart
Saturday, September 30th (11AM EST webinar)
Pillar Members choose classic book
Webinar with Brian G. Daigle
Saturday, October 28th (11AM EST webinar)
Beauteous Truth: Faith, Reason, Literature and Culture by Joseph Pearce
Webinar with Joseph Pearce 
Saturday, November 25th (11AM EST webinar)
Pillar Members choose classic book
Webinar with Brian G. Daigle
Saturday, December 30th (11AM EST webinar)
How to Be an Atheist: Why Many Skeptics Aren’t Skeptical Enough by Mitch Stokes
Webinar with Mitch Stokes