I hope that visitors to this site will consider joining me and many other admirers of Lewis and Tolkien at this year’s Oxbridge Conference organized by the C. S. Lewis Foundation. I’ll be present during the first week of the conference in Oxford in late July and will be giving a plenary address on the role of Lewis in my conversion to Christianity, and I’ll also be teaching a two-day seminar on C. S. Lewis’ Space Trilogy. It would be great if you could join me at this exciting event. There are a host of exciting speakers and activities on offer, both during the first week in Oxford, and the following week in Cambridge. It’s not to be missed! For further details, follow this link: http://www.cslewis.org/programs/oxbridge/2011/downloads.html

I am told that visitors to this site who enroll after reading this post will be eligible to join some special VIP events during the two weeks of the conference. In order to qualify for VIP treatment you will need to quote the following code when you enroll for the conference:

Add VIP code TGG2011 N.B. This is very important to add so that guests who enroll via this communication receive access to special VIP events.