If the different definitions of democracy take a good deal of unraveling (see my earlier post), the problems associated with monarchy are hardly less troubling.


As a tradition-oriented Englishman, it seems to be almost a tribal necessity that my sympathies are with Monarchy as distinct from the English form or Republicanism, the latter of which is normally nothing but a manifestation of mean-spirited class warfare, rooted in a dog-in-the-manger mentality. It is not far from the truth to say that the only Englishmen who desire the abolition of the Monarchy are socialists of one hue or another, ranging from effeminate pink to bloody red.


And yet for a Catholic Englishman who understands the history of his country it is not easy to support the present monarchy. The true king of England, James II, was deposed in a revolution that the revolutionaries and their heirs have called “glorious” but which was, in fact, an unholy alliance between a foreign power, Protestant anti-popery and mercantile self-interest. Ever since the successful invasion of England by a foreign army in that “Glorious” Revolution in 1688, the True King has been in exile, a fact that served as imaginative grist to the mill of Tolkien’s fertile Catholic imagination. Minas Tirith, like England, is ruled by stewards who are keeping the throne warm until the long-awaited Return of the King. Queen Elizabeth is not the true queen of England but a steward who keeps the throne warm in the absence of the True King. That being said, I’d rather have the throne being kept warm by a woman who has devoted her life to her duties self-sacrificially than have it empty or, worse, have an elected politician squatting on it.


I’ll end these musings with a provocative comparison between Monarchy and the modern secular form of Macro-Democracy: The weakness of Monarchy is that the government is as good or bad as the monarch. In practice, this means that Monarchy tends to be bad government, with only occasional periods of good government in between. This differs from modern secular Macro-Democracy, which guarantees bad government all the time!