I was pleased to receive an e-mail from a businessman who had enjoyed reading two of my recent articles for the Imaginative Conservative. I’m publishing parts of his e-mail (retaining his privacy through anonymity), not because it praises me (honestly!) but because it makes some important general points about the distributist and subsidiarist nature of small business and the need for subsidiarity in the sphere of education: 
I just read two of your articles in The Imaginative Conservative. One on Belloc and one on Distributism. I enjoyed both immensely.

Regarding your article on distributism, I thought your explanation was dead on. I am a great believer in small business. Contrary to popular understanding, most people in the United States work for small businesses. Most new jobs created are created by small businesses. Indeed, I believe small businesses are the backbone of our economy.

I also believe in the principle of subsidiarity, not just because I am a Catholic but because it simply makes so much sense. Simply put we have the local school board with my neighbor serving vs. the department of education with anonymous bureaucrats developing policies forced down people’s throats.