Following the posting of my interview with Opus Dei, I thought it might be hepful to publish some bibliographical information about St. Jose Maria:

The two most important biographies in English:

1. John F. Coverdale. Uncommon Faith: the early years of Opus Dei (1928-1943) , Princeton: Scepter, 2002.
The early history of Opus Dei, from the time when it was just an idea in its founder’s head at its creation in Spain in 1928, until 1943. The story includes the first Opus Dei Centers, the first few dozen members, its development, the years of the Spanish Civil War, rebuilding Opus Dei in Madrid, expansion, and the opposition from the Falange and universities. The author is a historian specializing in the history of Spain and was also Consultant to the US State Department for matters relating to Spain.

2. Andres Vazquez de Prada. The Founder of Opus Dei: the Life of Josemaria Escriva.
Volume I: The Early Years (tr. B. Browne), Princeton New Jersey: Scepter Publishers, 2001.
Volume II: God and Daring, Princeton New Jersey: Scepter Publishers, 2003.
Volume III: The Divine Ways on Earth, Princeton New Jersey: Scepter Publishers, 2005.
The first complete biography of St Josemaria, this is an in-depth study making full use of the documents, testimonies, letters and other materials contained in the archives of Opus Dei .