Kyle asks whether there is “any rhyme or reason to the ordering of the list”. Since I placed Sheehan’s Apologetics and Catholic Doctrine at the top of the list, he was wondering whether I consider this the most important book for Catholics to read after the Bible and the Catechism. I’m pleased to respond that there was no rhyme or reason to the order. I simply listed them as I thought of them. I suppose that Sheehan popped into my head first because it’s an excellent place to start for those seeking the fundamentals of Catholic faith and philosophy from an unquestionably orthodox source. It was very important on my own path to Rome, answering many questions and clearing away many of the fogs in my secular-poisoned head!

Kyle also points out that “grumbling” about the choices in top 10/25/100 lists “is what makes them such fun”. I couldn’t agree more. For my part, I can’t help grumbling about his selection of St Teresa of Avila and St John of the Cross. It’s not that these holy eminenti are not worthy (of course they are and I am not worthy to suggest otherwise), it’s simply that I can’t help grumbling at Kyle’s omission of the Poems of St John of the Cross, preferably in Roy Campbell’s translation.