It looks like a new Shakespeare movie will be hitting the silver screen soon. The trailer promises epic mystery and betrayal set against a dark, moody London atmosphere. It is a political thriller about Edward De Vere, Earl of Oxford, whom the movie will claim actually wrote Shakespeare’s plays. Set against the backdrop of the succession of Queen Elizabeth I, and the Essex Rebellion against her, it is the latest nonsense on the life of the Bard to emanate from Tinsel Town.

Like “Shakespeare in Love”, this movie is nothing more than fatuous fabrication based on facile scholarship, i.e. the “theory” that Shakespeare’s plays were not written by Shakespeare but by the Earl of Oxford. I suspect that we will see more of this nonsense in the future as the secularists work to construct an “alternative” Shakespeare more to their liking now that the real Shakespeare is emerging from the Papist closet.

For those wishing to know more about the ridiculous “Oxfordian” theory, I would recommend that you read the opening chapter of my book The Quest for Shakespeare, which exposes the theory.

Whether the secularists like it or not, Shakespeare wrote his own plays; and whether they like it or not, the fact remains that history’s greatest playwright was a believing and defiant Catholic.