Is it likely that a mainstream television channel would ever allow a neo-Nazi to present a primetime documentary on the Holocaust? Can we imagine the uproar that would ensue should any mainstream TV channel ever have the tasteless chutzpah to sanction such a travesty of justice? Yet such a travesty is in effect becoming a sickening reality with the announcement that Channel 4 television in the UK has invited the rabidly anti-Catholic homosexual activist Peter Tatchell to make a film about Pope Benedict to coincide with the Holy Father’s visit to England later this year. Tatchell has spearheaded the most extremist homosexual activist groups in the UK and has a criminal record for disrupting Catholic Masses and Anglican services. Yet this is the man chosen by Channel 4 to make a film about the Pope! As if this wasn’t outrageous enough, Channel 4 also announced that it would be broadcasting a program with the notorious atheist Richard Dawkins to coincide with the Holy Father’s visit. It seems that this mainstream TV channel is not even making a pretence of impartiality and objectivity. On the contrary, its agenda is plain for all to see. It hates the Pope and the Catholic Church and will present any amount of biased rhetoric to make Catholics the objects of ridicule, hatred or contempt. There is in the final analysis no real difference between Channel 4 television and the propaganda techniques of Josef Goebbels in the Third Reich. In both cases, objective and unbiased news coverage is abandoned in order to stir up hatred against a minority group. The fact is that Secular Fundamentalism is as deadly as it is intolerant, and it doesn’t really matter whether the Fundamentalists call themselves National Socialists, International Socialists, or “liberal secularists”, the result is the same lying propaganda, the same stirring up of hatred, and the same persecution of Christians. Plus ca change …