I’m pleased to share news of the latest exclusive content to be added to the Inner Sanctum of my website jpearce.co, available to donor-subscribers:

In “Curious George and the Dragon” I succumb to over-scrupulosity in suffering pangs of guilt for acting unjustly to a cartoon chimpanzee!
There is an exclusive preview of the rough cut of a new Tolkien documentary for which I was interviewed extensively, filmed in Oxford and the United States. This is not available anywhere else on the internet.
An interview I gave in Spain on the literary convert Roy Campbell which has never been published in English.
The 6th of my weekly lectures on Tolkien and Lewis in a series of 45 lectures, available only to Inner Sanctum subscribers.
In “Love and C. S. Lewis”, I throw caution to the wind as I recklessly and with abandon criticize Lewis for what I believe to be the fundamental errors in his book The Four Loves.
Looking back at the murder of the US Ambassador to Libya and three other US citizens on the eleventh anniversary of 9-11, I examine the role of wrong-headed US foreign policy in aiding and abetting Islamic terrorists.
All of this and a host of other exclusive content is available to those who wish to support my work and apostolate by becoming donor-subscribers. Check it our now: jpearce.co.