The cold-hearted indifferent spirit of liberalism … May I be kept from having any thing to do with those who are “neither hot nor cold”.
Are you aware that the more serious thinkers among us are used, as far as they dare form an opinion, to regard the spirit of Liberalism as the characteristic of the destined Antichrist? … The spirit of lawlessness came in with the Reformation, and Liberalism is its offspring.
The liberalism of the age, after many previous attempts, is apparently at length about to get possession of the Anglican Church and Universities of the nation.
I … am as fierce in my heart now as ever against Liberalism.
The Mass must not be said without a Missal under the priest’s eye; nor in any language but that in which it has come down to us from the ealry hierarchs of the Western Church.
All quotes from the Newman A to Z are taken from The Quotable Newman, recently published by Sophia Institute Press.