It’s so obvious but so often overlooked. I refer to the correlation beetween birth rate and religious faith. Those with no faith tend to have no children. It is equally obvious though equally often overlooked that the absence of faith is connected to the presence of pride. Pride means putting ourselves first. Pride is selfishness – and selfishness has no time for selflessness, especially the selflessness demanded by the demands of parenthood. These obvious but overlooked facts are discussed with eloquence by Austin Ruse in today’s Crisis. Specifically Ruse highlights the correlation between the rise of atheism and the drop in birth rates. Those who answer “none” in surveys asking for religious affiliation or belief are far more likely to answer “none” in surveys asking for the number of children they have. In healthier days, nuns had none; now it’s the “Nones” who have none! Cutting to the chase, this means that the culture of death is killing itself. It has no future. It is dying through the suicidal sin of pride. It has no future. The future belongs to those who have children. This is good news for the New Year!
Here’s the link to Austin Ruse’s article: