I was intrigued by Dena’s response to my post on Uncle Sam, particularly her assertion that patriotism is good but that nationalism is bad. I know this is largely a question of semantics, but I have always argued that nationalism is good but that imperialism is bad. I am defining “nationalism” as the political philosophy which believes that a world of diverse sovereign territories is preferable to a world in which such territories are subsumed within larger trans-national bodies. According to this definition, Scottish nationalism, which seeks independence for Scotland from the United Kingdom is genuinely nationalist, whereas British nationalism, which seeks to subsume Scotland within a transnational political body is not nationalist but imperialist.


The opposite of nationalism is imperialism. The European Union is an imperialist institution, as is the Federal Government, which systematically subsumes the rights of individual states and the rights of individual families.


Rejoicing in the smallness and beauty of his own nation, a nationalist respects the smallness and beauty of other nations. A true nationalist would never become an imperialist, seeking to destroy the freedom of other nations in order to glory in the supremacy of his own. Hitler was not a German nationalist but a German imperialist, who marched into neighbouring nations in the name of imperialist concepts, such as anschluss or lebensraum. More controversially, it could be argued that the Washington government was behaving as an imperialist nation between 1861 and 1865 when it forced its will militarily on the seceding states.