Matt Willkom has reminded me that I omitted a new talk that he has just added to those he has available for sale. As with the other talks, this is available for $8 from Matt:
Reclaiming Christian Culture: The Battle Begins in the Home
In this impassioned defense of Christendom and the civilization it spawned, Professor Pearce reminds parents that they have the most important job in the world: to hand on the priceless inheritance of Christendom to their children.
Professor Pearce offers a panoramic overview of the history of western civilization from classical Greece and the Early Church, through to the medieval period, the Renaissance and into the modern age. He then offers practical advice to parents, explaining how they can hand on the inheritance to their family. In his conclusion, he shows how the handing on of this inheritance will enrich future generations with a wealth beyond the reach of the world, teaching the new generation the power of reason, love and beauty so that they can think with the Church (changing minds); to love like the saints (changing hearts); and to see the beauty of God in Creation and creativity.
Those who would like to help their own children know the truth, love the truth, and see the truth, will find this talk invaluable.