It has been some time since my wife and I decided to have our aerials removed, the term that the late Malcolm Muggeridge used to explain that he and his wife had decided to remove television from their lives. Muggeridge, one of the first generation of TV stars and “talking heads”, had come to see that television was, at best, banal, and, at worst, a spewer forth of mendacious and poisonous propaganda.
Without doubt, the removal of television has enriched the lives of our family immensely, not merely by freeing us to do better and more edifying things in the evenings but also because it has silenced the incessant and insidious liar in our midst. Having a television is like inviting Wormtongue to become a member of one’s family! It is the resident secular fundamentalist.
I was reminded of the poisonous power of television a couple of nights ago after I returned to my hotel room in Indianapolis, having given a talk at a local Catholic parish. It was only 10pm when I returned to my room and I decided, against my better judgment, to see what was on TV. I channel-hopped for over an hour, sampling soundbites of inanity, skipping through all forty channels three times before my agitated mind could take no more. The most poisonous soundbite was delivered, not surprisingly, by CNN, a so-called news channel that has long since abandoned any pretence at objectivity. I listened as the reporter gave the “news” that Cardinal Timothy Dolan is tipped as a possible successor to Pope Benedict but that, just before leaving for Rome, he was being questioned “behind closed doors” about the “sex abuse scandal”. I’d heard enough and skipped to the next channel but the damage had been done. I was angered by the scarcely concealed hatred towards His Eminence that was emitted like aural poison from the secular fundamentalist liar that I had invited into the privacy of my room and my life. Why did I do it? Why did I invite Wormtongue into my room? I knew he was a liar and that he would do his best to disturb my peace of mind and damage my faith. Why did I do it? When will I ever learn?
Musing upon my TV experience on the flight home the next day, I realised the real danger of news addiction. So many of us spend too much of our time in the company of Wormtongue, allowing him to drip his poison into our ear, much as the wicked Claudius in Hamlet drips poison into the ear of the King and then drips the poison of his deceitful words into the ear of the young and gullible Laertes, poisoning the foolish youth’s heart against Hamlet.
Nowadays Wormtongue comes in many shapes and sizes, and wears many masks and guises. He whispers his lies from the news print on the page; he regurgitates falsehood from the corner of our room, his simpering smile filling ever larger screens; and now he sits comfortably on our lap, allowing us to hear his whispered venom almost anywhere and at any time.
We would all be much happier if we overcame our news addiction and banished Wormtongue from our lives. We do not need to know what Wormtongue tells us. We do not need his “news”. He’s a liar. Quite frankly, we don’t need to know most of what’s happening in any case, regardless of who it is who is conveying the news to us. Most news is a euphemism for gossip. We don’t need to know most of this stuff! Furthermore, we need to learn that it is foolish and dangerous to become anxious about things that we cannot control. We need to love the Lord our God and we need to love our neighbour (and our enemy). And that’s all! 
If we want to change the world we have to become saints, or at least become more like saints than we have been in the past. Sanctity and sanity are synonymous. We need to change the world by one act of love at a time. This is easier said than done but it is much harder to do if we insist on listening to Wormtongue. His lies will weaken us, poisoning us slowly, until we are no longer able to live good and holy lives.
We need to overcome our news addiction so that we can be a better light in the darkness of the times in which we live. Holiness is the enemy of the Dark. Let’s work at getting ourselves and our neighbours to Heaven and tell Wormtongue to go to Hell!