After many false starts and interminable delays it seems that the filming of the long-awaited film-version of The Hobbit is finally under weigh. Although I have serious misgivings about the way that Tolkien’s book will be adapted for the screen, I will be awaiting its release with eager anticipation. My principal concern arises from the fact that it is being made into two full-length films, even though the book would not seem long enough to warrant such extravagance. One suspects that the reasoning for making two films has more to do with profit margins than with artistic adherence to the integrity of the source. The danger is that the films will need “padding” to make Tolkien’s plot stretch to four (or six?) hours of screentime. Any additional material, fabricated by the screenwriters, is likely to violate Tolkien’s original work. In any event, and these fears notwithstanding, here’s a link to Peter Jackson’s first post about the commencement of work on the film: