I’m pleased to see the new issue of the web journal, Pilgrim: A Journal of Catholic Experience. It’s the quarterly issue for Pentecost/Assumption 2011 and is up on the main page of the website: www.pilgrimjournal.com. I was particularly pleased to see that this issue includes an essay on Coleridge’s “Rime of the Ancint Mariner” by the indomitable and indefatigable Louis Markos.

The editor, Bronwen McShea, is hoping to start an “old fashioned” Letters to the Editor department. She would very much welcome letters written in response to specific pieces (including constructive critiques of them), as well as more general comments. All such letters should be sent to editors.pilgrim@gmail.com.  Bronwen is continuously on the lookout for new content, so if you or someone you know might be interested in writing an essay on a subject of personal interest which might be a good fit for Pilgrim, or submit a poem, story, or artwork (including photography and images of handicrafts and sculptures…), she is very open to creative ideas and unsolicited submissions.