I thought I’d share an encouraging e-mail that I’ve just received. I’m always delighted when I hear from those who share my passion for the St. Austin Review. I think it’s an important journal that fills a unique and needed niche. It is for this reason that it has been a labour of love for twelve years. I hope also that this e-mail might encourage visitors to the Ink Desk to take out a subscription to either the print edition or the on-line version. You can subscribe on-line from this very site.

As Oscar Wilde once remarked, we’re all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the StAR! Join the Wise Men, follow the StAR!

Here’s the abridged text of the e-mail: 

I have to tell you, I really enjoyed your magazine.  I brought it with me to my family beach vacation last week and read every word of it (first time I’ve ever done that with a magazine).  I like how it’s not too cumbersome,… just 10 or so good articles. Sometimes I’ll pick up a TIME or National Geographic at the airport and want to read some of it but it weighs me down with how much info is in there.  I also liked your artwork, from the cover to the stuff on the inside. And of course, content is top quality. 

I am sure you get sick of people telling you how great your writings are, but I genuinely loved StAR and just wanted to let you know that.  I got a subscription for myself and my father and just mailed in my check today.