The next issue of the St. Austin Review is winging its way to the printers. The theme of this edition is “Science and Orthodoxy: The Legacy of Fr. Stanley L. Jaki”. Considering the science-related theme, I hope you will consider forwarding this to any of your scientist colleagues who might be interested.

Highlights of the issue include:

Joseph Pearce reminisces about “a Meeting with Father Jaki”.

Antonio Colombo revisits the life and legacy of Father Jaki along “Paths that are Made by Walking”.

Beniamino Danese finds that “the Truth of the Pudding is in the Eating” in his survey of Father Jaki’s work.

Julio Gonzalo asks the crucial question, “Science: Western or What?”

Stacy Trasancos examines “Fr. Jaki and the Stillbirths of Science”.

Jacques Vauthier describes Fr. Jaki as “the Real Follower of Pierre Duhem”.

Anne Barbeau Gardiner compares “the Real versus the Mythical Newman”.

John Beaumont offers some “Concluding Thoughts” on “the Real Fr. Stanley Jaki”.

In one of two full-colour art features Sue Kouma Johnson describes her work as “Catholic Art for the Modern World”.

In the other full-colour art feature Ali Cavanaugh charts “An Artist’s Evolution … From Embryonic Beginnings”.

Kevin O’Brien reveals “How I Became Fr. Stanley Jaki”.

Donald DeMarco distinguishes between “Science and Loose Talk”.

Fr. Dwight Longenecker exposes “That Hideous Scientism”.

Fr. Benedict Kiely compares “The Oath and the Mandate”.

Susan Treacy tells the “Tale of a Younger Brother”, a pen portrait of Michael Haydn.

James Bemis continues his series of reviews of great films with Kieslowski’s Decalogue.

Grettelyn Nypaver reviews Death Dons a Mask, Lorraine Murray’s latest mystery novel.

Dena Hunt reviews The Song at the Scaffold, Gertrud von le Fort’s classic historical novel.

Shaun Blanchard admires Jerusalem, Athens, and Rome: Essays in Honor of James V. Schall, SJ”.

Marie Dudzik reviews The Book Of Jotham, Arthur Powers’ award-winning novella.

Robert Merchant enjoys The Voice of the Church at Prayer, Uwe Michael Lang’s “reflections on liturgy and language”.

Louis Markos reviews Race with the Devil: My Journey from Racial Hatred to Rational Love by Joseph Pearce.

Dena Hunt has this issue’s last word, musing on “Tolkien and Women”.

All this plus new poetry by Trevor Lipscombe and Philip Kolin.


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