The next issue of the St. Austin Review will be winging its way to the printers in the next few days.

The theme of the May/June issue is “Poetry & Praise”. Don’t miss it. Susbcribe now on this site!

Here are the highlights of the forthcoming issue:

Louise Merrie examines the multi-faceted St. Robert Southwell, “Jesuit, Priest, Missionary, Poet, and Martyr”.

Benjamin V. Beier invites us to dwell profitably on the poetry of Ben Jonson.

Sarah Branschbach compares the poetic muse of George Herbert and Gerard Manley Hopkins.

Erika Papp Faber offers a panoramic overview of the poetry of Hungary.

Joseph Pearce reveals the unlikely connection between Roy Campbell and St. John of the Cross.

Joseph Pearce admires the objectivity in the poetry of Charles Causley.

Susan Treacy looks at the influence of George Herbert on Vaughan Williams.

Kevin O’Brien waxes lyrical on “The Poet and the Unity of Love”.

Robert and Paula Gallagher focus on the work of the Kolbe Film School.

James Bemis trips the light Fantasia in his discussion of the Disney classic.

Jef Murray revisits The Magic Ring.

Father Benedict Kiely enthuses about May: Mary’s Month.

Thomas Howard reviews Schwartz’s Understanding Abortion.

Brendan D. King exhorts us to read the gaelic poetry of Father Allan MacDonald.

Father Colum Power reviews Graham Gillespie, “a new voice in avant garde poetry”.

Eleanor Bourg Nicholson reviews new books of verse by Longenecker, Chichikov and Milward.

Jennifer Pierce reviews Philip C. Kolin’s Parable of Women.

Plus new poetry by Trevor Lipscombe and Micah Mattix.