The next issue of the StAR is currently with our illustrious constellation of proof readers and will be winging its way to the printer next week. The theme of the November/December issue is “Faith & Freedom”. These are the highlights:
Shaun Blanchard reflects on “freedom and kingship”, focusing on Christ the King.
Charles A. Coulombe teaches some “Lessons from History on Faith and Freedom”.
Igor F. Nikshin tells “a Christmas Story” about the ghost of a Nazi Christmas Past.
Joseph Trabbic critiques “faith, freedom, rights and wrongs” in the political philosophy of Jacques Maritain.
Brian Jones examines the “Natural Law as the Common Language of Religious Freedom”, focusing on Jacques Maritain and Dignitatis Humanae.
John Beaumont follows the road to Rome of Louis Budenz, a convert from communism to Catholicism.
Father Dwight Longenecker agrees with C. S. Lewis in requesting deliverance from “omnipotent moral busybodies”.
Kevin O’Brien reminds us that “For Freedom Christ Has Set Us Free”.
Kevin O’Brien also interviews the Catholic artist, Ali Cavanagh in a full colour art feature.
James Bemis admires the films of Roland Joffe, especially The Mission. 
Susan Treacy pays “a musical tribute” to the Battle of Lepanto.
Thomas Howard ponders a riddle with the poet, John Donne.
Father Benedict Kiely laments the rise of “velvet persecution”.
James V. Schall S.J. reviews Peter Kreeft’s Summa Philophica.
Christopher O. Blum reviews and reflects on an incisive critique of Rousseau.
Michael M. Jordan reviews Alan Carlson’s Godly Seed about the love affair of American Evangelicals with the pirnciple and practice of birth control. 
Matthew P. Akers reviews The Liberty Intrigue, a political thriller about a Presidential Election.
Joseph Pearce judges “Frodo versus Robespierre”.
New poetry by Pavel Chichikov, Colin Jory and Mark Amorose.
Last but hopefully not least, Joseph Pearce’s editorial on the theme of “faith and freedom” compares the libertine and the libertarian.
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