The next issue of the St. Austin Review is winging its way to the printers. This issue takes a walk on the dark side, its theme being “Outside is the Night: The Wickedness and Snares of the Devil”.
Susan Vandiver Nicassio examines “the transmutation of blood” from the life-giving Blood of Christ to the blood-sucking life of vampires.
Charles A. Coulombe sees the sacramental vision of the Catholic mind in fantasy, science fiction and horror literature.

Michael Martin looks at Vladimir Solovyov on “the nature of evil and the coming of the anti-Christ”.


J. C. Whitehouse delves into the depths of “belief, the dark night of the soul, and faith”.

Philip C. Kolin interviews fellow poet Paul Mariani about “the Jesuit tradition of spirituality”.

Artist Cornelius Sullivan is inspired by the “archangelic vision” of St. Michael in Rome.

Artist Rodd Umlauf sees beauty through art in a full colour art feature focusing on his work.

Susan Treacy interviews Catholic composer Frank LaRocca.

John Beaumont returns to “C. S. Lewis and the Mad, Bad, or God Argument”.

Kevin O’Brien interviews the Devil.

Fr. Dwight Longenecker laughs at Lucifer.

James Bemis goes back to the future in his movie review of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Fr. Benedict Kiely echoes Walker Percy in asking “what else is there but the Catholic Church?”

Mark Dudzik reviews Francis: Pope of a New World by Tornielli.

Sr. Gertrude Gillette reviews Candles in the Dark by Pearce.

Joshua Keatley reviews True or False Possession? by Lhermitte.

J. Frank Pate reviews The Miracle of Father Kapaun by Wenzl and Heying.

New poetry by Charlotte Ostermann and Michael Benson.

It’s time to take a walk on the dark side to see the light! Subscribe on-line from this very site. Don’t delay!