One of the benefits of keeping an eye on this site is being able to learn the contents of the next issue of StAR long before the issue is delivered to the journal’s happy band of subscribers, indeed long before it has even reached the printers. I have just delivered the articles for this issue to our graphic designer, Michelle, and am happy to offer you the customary preview of what you can expect in the forthcoming September/October issue. The next issue is on the theme of “Literary Priests”, as a follow-up to the current issue’s theme of “Literary Converts”. Its highlights include:

The Priest in Literature by Joseph Pearce

Newman’s Faithful and Rational Conversion by Jennifer Overkamp

The Virtue of Graciousness in the Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins by Mitchell Kalpakgian

The Mystery of Suffering in The Wreck of the Deutschland by Marigrace Powers

A Quartet of Converts: Neuhaus, Rutler, Chesterton, and Dulles by Donald DeMarco

Ronald Knox: Literary Priest and Convert (An interview with Joseph Pearce on Knox’s Legacy)

Newman’s Leap of Faith by Kevin O’Brien

Newman and Music by Susan Treacy

Fathers in Film: Catholic Priests in the Movies by Father Dwight Longenecker

Charity, Truth and the Challenge of Globalization: Extracts from Pope Benedict’s latest Encyclical

Plus Patrick Riley on the state of contemporary politics from his quintessentially pro-life perspective

And Father Benedict Kieley’s view of the Faith from the perspective of an English priest in America

And Book Reviews and New Poetry

And, last but not least, a full colour art feature on the work of Scottish artist, Tommy Canning

Don’t miss out. If you are not a subscriber already you can rectify the sin of omission by subscribing from the link on this site.