The theme of the next issue of the St. Austin Review is “Recusants and Martyrs: English Resistance to the Tudor Terror”.


Shaun Blanchard views St. Thomas More as the Ideal Christian

Joseph Pearce connects Shakespeare and St. Thomas More

Mark Amorose waxes poetical about Recusants

Anne Barbeau Gardiner discovers Secret Hiding Places: Recusant Houses and Priest-Holes Made by a Saint

Stephanie A. Mann reads between the lines in her survey of Tudor Church Music and Revisionist History

T. Renee Kozinski looks iconically at St. Edmund Campion and the Tyburn Tree

John Beaumont tells the tale of A Remarkable Convert Priest, Resisting the Tudor Terror

Stephen Brady condemns The Murder of Merrie England

Brendan King admires The Picture that Painted a Poem, explaining How an Italian Masterpiece Inspired an English Saint

Trevor Lipscombe elegizes Our Lady’s Dowry

Susan Treacy muses on William Byrd’s Gradualia

M. J. Needham praises the Art of Katie Schmid in the full colour art feature

Kevin O’Brien tackles Modern Persecution and the Catholic Church

James Bemis checks off Schindler’s List in his ongoing survey of the Vatican’s List of “great films”

Fr. Benedict Kiely contemplates the meaning of the priesthood

Donald DeMarco spies A Ray of Hope for the Family in Quebec

Michael Lichens remembers Stratford Caldecott

Carol Anne Jones reviews Was Shakespeare Catholic? by Peter Milward

Stephanie A. Mann reviews Catholics of the Anglican Patrimony by Aidan Nicholls

Carol Anne Jones reviews Anne Line: Shakespeare’s Tragic Muse by Martin Dodwell


Mark Newcomb reviews The One Thomas More by Travis Curtright