Has the HHS mandate got you upset?  I hope so.  I hope you haven’t forgotten about it, just because the American mainstream media has.  Today, Friday the 23rd, in Washington, D.C., between noon and one p.m., Catholics and people of goodwill are standing outside the HHS building to express our disagreement with the mandate requiring that Catholics and other people of faith must give their money in support of contraception, abortifacients, and sterilizations.  Be there or be … well, not there.  But seriously, if you’re in the city or nearby and can get away during your lunch hour, COME AND JOIN US.

There are two Facebook groups (of which I am aware) for the rally.  They’re public groups, so anyone who’s on Facebook should be able to view and join.



I understand there are going to be other rallies going on in several US states today.  If you’re not near DC, you might want to do a quick google search to see if there’s one near you.

Update:  Here is a page that lists the locations of the other rallies: http://standupforreligiousfreedom.com/locations/