The indomitable Louis Markos, irrepressible champion of Lewis and Chesterton and author of From Achilles to Christ: Why Christians Should Read the Pagan Classics, has adapted two plays by Euripedes. Here’s Lou’s e-mail with associated links:


Dear Friends,

Many of you know that in the Fall of 2011, a Greek acting troupe led by Leonidas Loizides performed my adaptation of Euripides’ Iphigenia in Tauris off-Broadway, at my university, and in many other cities across the US and Canada. The run was so successful that I have written a new adaptation of Euripides’ Helen. This play will be performed off-Broadway, in Houston, and across the country in the Fall of 2012. View a preview of the play… <>


In it, I give a 17 minute introduction to Helen in which I:



1.    share the vision that Loizides and I have for bringing Greek tragedy to a modern global audience,

2.    provide a synopsis of the plot, and

3.    discuss the reasons we chose Helen for 2012.



Read a two-page written version of my introduction to Helen <> . (Adobe Acrobat PDF format)


Read the opening scenes of the play <> . (Adobe Acrobat PDF format)


In the summer, I will send another email with the locations and dates of where and when the play will be performed. For now, I ask you to spread the word. Loizides and I strongly believe that our modern democracy has much to learn from ancient Greek tragedy — which came of age at the same time democracy was born in Athens.


Also, if you (or someone you know) has connections to a venue that would be interested in hosting one or more performances of Helen, please contact Leonidas Loizides. If you can get to him early enough, it is po ssible that he can arrange to bring his troupe to your city!


You may email Leonidas Loizides at:


or, if you prefer, you can email me <> , and I would be happy to forward your email on to him.


Finally, to give you a taste of how I’ve adapted the plays and how Loizides has brought them powerfully to life, I’ve included at the bottom of this email two further links. In the first, I give an introduction to Iphigenia in Tauris <> . The second will allow you to watch the entire performance of Iphigenia <>  at my university.


Thanks and blessings,





View my intro of Iphigenia <>


View the performance <>