As I write we are battening down the hatches here in New Hampshire, the home in which I’m staying being battered by the storm that is rather absurdly called Sandy. Classes are cancelled at Thomas More College tomorrow so I’m expecting to have unexpected time on my hands. Perhaps tomorrow, if we have not lost power, I might write something more lengthy and weighty for the Ink Desk. Tonight, however, I’d like to share an excellent quote about Thomism from The Intellectual Life by A. D. Sertillanges, O.P.:

The intellectual position of Thomism is so well chosen, so removed from all the extremes where abysses of error yawn, so central as regards the heights, that one is logically led up to it from every point of knowledge, and from it one radiates, along continuous paths, in every direction of thought and experience.
Other systems are opposed to adjacent systems: Thomism reconciles them in a higher light, taking account of what led them into error and careful to be just to all that is right in them. Other systems have been contradicted by facts: Thomism goes to meet facts, envelopes them, interprets them, classifies them, and establishes them as it were by legal right.