I arrived at Santiago de Compastela in Galicia, in north-west Spain, yesterday evening, which is of course one of the most ancient and one of the most important shrines of Christendom. I’ve never been here before and am looking forward to going to Mass at the cathedral and to praying at the shrine of the great St James. I am, however, blessed even more by the wonderful surprise that I received upon my arrival here last night. I’m staying in a student residence run by Opus Dei and will give a talk to the students later today. The surprise blessing is that I am staying in a room in which the founder of Opus Dei stayed and which is furnished as it was when he stayed here. I was told that the bed in the room is the bed in which St Jose Maria slept and also the bed in which Blessed John XXIII slept when he visited Santiago prior to his becoming pope. How often does one get to sleep on a relic of two saints? Domine non sum dignus!