I’ve just received through the mail some copies of the French edition of my book, Small is Still Beautiful. This fills me with a degree of excitement. First, on a personal level, I’m excited because this is the first of my books to be translated into French. I’ve had my books published in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Polish and Korean but never, to date, in French. On a practical and political level, I’m honoured that my small contribution to the crucial political debate affecting the future of Europe will now be heard in France. In particular, I hope that the chapters in my book attacking the tyrannical designs of the European Union might have an impact in France, which is at the very dark heart of the EU monster.

Those seeking more information about the French edition of Small is Still Beautiful or about the other works published by Éditions de L’Homme Nouveau, which include works by Chesterton and R. H. Benson, should visit the publisher’s website: www.hommenouveau.fr.