The March/April issue of the Saint Austin Review is almost ready to wing its way to the printers. It’s another exciting, power-punching issue, filled to the brim with great articles by some of the finest writers in the English-speaking Catholic world, not to mention the odd fine writer from the non-Catholic world! The theme of the next issue is “G. K. Chesterton: Fidei Defensor” and we’ve assembled a veritable cornucopia of Chestertonian delights for the delectation of our readers.

Amongst the highlights of the next issue:

Dale Ahlquist, President of the American Chesterton Society and host of the long running EWTN series, “The Apostle of Common Sense”, asks the beguiling question: “What if Chesterton Had Gone Bad?”

Louis Markos surveys “The Journey Back Home: How G. K. Chesterton ‘Discovered’ Orthodoxy”.

Jennifer Overkamp examines Chesterton “the Fairy Tale Philosopher”

Matthew P. Akers defends Pump Street, in Chesterton’s Napoleon of Notting Hill, “and all things medieval”.

Geir Hasnes defends Chesterton “from those who damn with faint praise”.

John M. Dejak champions “Chesterton: The Just Warrior”.

Kevin O’Brien, host of the EWTN series, “Theater of the Word”, praises “The Drama of Chesterton” as “A Story of Life and Death and Life Again”.

The irrepressible and indefatigable Jesuit, James V. Schall, visits “Towns and Places” with Hilaire Belloc.

The equally irrepressible Father Dwight Longenecker looks at “Chesterton and the Morality of Movieland”.

My fellow countryman in exile, Father Benedict Kiely, a native of England now serving his parish in Vermont, discusses Hilaire Belloc and Heroism.

My fellow faculty member at Ave Maria University, Susan Treacy, discusses the connection beetween poetry and music in the verse of Siegfried Sassoon.

Film Critic, James Bemis, presents the first of a new series examining the films on the Vatican list of great movies, commencing with The Flowers of Saint Francis.

Patrick G. D. Riley casts his experienced eye over the American political scene from an unremittingly pro-life perspective in his regular column, Riley’s America.

Book reviews in this issue include:

Thomas Howard on Peter Kreeft’s and Father Tacelli’s Handbook of Catholic Apologetics;
Matthew Kenefick on Charles E. Rice’s What Happened at Notre Dame;
Michael M. Jordan on Lee Oser’s The Return of Christian Humanism: Chesterton, Eliot, Tolkien and the Romance of History;
Lorraine V. Murray on Father Benedict Groeschel’s Tears of God: Persevering in the Face of Great Sorrow and Catastrophe.

The issue is illustrated, as befits an issue published in Lent, by all fourteen of David Myers’ superb depictions of the Stations of the Cross, as well as featuring two lenten poems by Father Dwight Longenecker and Pavel Chichikov.

Last but hopefully not least is my own editorial which compares G. K. Chesterton as a Defender of the Faith to King Henry VIII and Prince Charles.

Why would anyone in their right mind want to miss out on such a treasure trove of Chestertonian wit, wisdom and rambunctiousness? Well, what are you waiting for? Go to the section of this site that allows you to subscribe on-line! Become a Wise Man – Follow the StAR!