There really is something pathetic about the somewhat silly socialists who have been demonstrating against Wall Street in recent days. In spite of the murder of millions of people in many parts of the world on the altar of Marxism, these utopian robots still seem to think that Big Government can bring justice to the poor. It’s all so naïve and so rooted in a shallow gullibility. When will they ever learn? The solution to the usurious greed of Wall Street is not the failed and false solutions of the Marxist past but the timeless truths about human nature and human society encapsulated in the ideas of subsidiarity and distributism. As such, this flyer, produced by the Society for Distributism, cuts through the cant of Marxism and Marketolatry. One can only hope that its wisdom will find fertile soil among those who are genuinely able to break out of the rut of discredited ideology.

We Need a Distributist Economy