It seems that the information I posted last week about my imminent visit to California was incomplete. Apart from the one talk on “Shakespeare’s Shocking Catholicism” at the Sacramento Catholic Forum this Friday lunchtime (see, my other talks are part of a promotional tour to promote my latest book, Solzhenitsyn: A Soul in Exile.

On Friday afternoon, at Easters Catholic Bookstore, I’ll give a 20 minute mini-talk on Solzhenitsyn followed by a book signing.

At 5:30 on Friday evening I’ll be leading a discussion of Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich at a book club dinner in Napa.

At 7:30 on Friday I’ll be speaking on “Solzhenitysn: One Man’s Triumph over Communist Tyranny” at Kolbe Academy & Trinty Prep in Napa. (For information, phone 707-257-3362)

During the day on Saturday I’ll be giving two talks at the Kolbe Academy’s annual homeschooling conference.

On Saturday evening at 7:30pm I’ll be giving the talk on Solzhenitsyn at Our Lady of Peace Church in Santa Clara. (Tickets/Info: 408-980-9825 or