I’m so excited to learn of new translations of the works of the great Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Here’s the latest news from Daniel J. Mahoney, arguably the foremost expert on Solzhenitsyn in the English-speaking world:
I can indeed report that some progress has been made on the Solzhenitsyn publishing front. In addition to THE SOLZHENITSYN READER (30% of which is new in English), we have the 2009 augmented edition of IN THE FIRST CIRCLE and the 2011 edition of the absolutely superb “binary tales” collected in APRICOT JAM AND OTHER STORIES (the volume is now available in paperback from Counterpoint). Jeremy Beer, Ignat and Stephan Solzhenitsyn and myself have all been active in promoting an English-language edition of THE RED WHEEL in its entirety. If all goes well this should see the light of day by 2018, the centenary of the great man’s birth. I can also report that when Natalia Solzhenitsyn was in New York last September she met with seven or eight publishers with the intention of getting certain stalled projects on the move. I think some good things will come out of those meetings. Last but not least, I am forwarding the Introduction to the Russian abridgement of GULAG that appeared in English translation in THE NEW CRITERION last September with a foreword by yours truly.