July is not quite as hectic as June but I’m still heading as far west as the Napa Valley and as far east as Oxford, with a trip to Ohio thrown in for good measure! Here are the details:

This weekend, July 8-9, I’m speaking at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Homeschooling Conference in Dayton, Ohio. On Friday evening at 7pm my topic is “A Matter of Life and Death: The Battle for a True Educaiton”. On Saturday afternoon at 1pm my topic is “The Quest for Shakespeare: Revealing His Catholicism”. For further details, please contact Mary Lou Warren: mlwarren@ihmconference.org.

On the following weekend, July 15-16, I’m scheduled for an action-packed couple of days in sunny California. I’m speaking on Shakespeare at the Sacramento Catholic Business Luncheon at lunchtime on Friday, July 15; at 4pm I’m scheduled for a booksigning at Easters Catholic Bookstore, also in Sacramento. On Friday evening I’m giving a talk on Solzhenitsyn at Kolbe-Trinity Prep in Napa. On Saturday, July 16 I’m giving two talks at the Kolbe Academy Catholic Homeschooling Conference; my topics are “The Catholic Cultural Revival” and “Home to Home-Run: Preparing Homeschoolers for College”. On Saturday evening I’m leading a discussion of Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich at a bookclub, also in Napa.

For details of these events, please contact Tony Ryan (ipbooks@hotmail.com) or Everett Buyarski (ebuyarski@kolbe.org).

Finally, on July 27-28, I’m giving a plenary address and a seminar at the C. S. Lewis Foundation Oxbridge Conference in Oxford. My plenary address will be on C. S. Lewis’ role in my conversion; the seminar will be on Lewis’ Space Trilogy. For further details, please contact Jill Fort: jfort@cslewis.org.