Happy May Day! I refer, of course, to the traditional English feast day, resplendent with Morris dancing and Maypole dancing, not the killjoy political parades of socialist puritans. Since May Day is also the Feast of St Joseph the Worker, I wish you a happy saint’s day also!

As it’s the first of the month, I thought this might be an appropriate time to give details of two speaking engagements over the next few weeks.

On May 8-9 I am speaking at the IHM Home School Conference in Chicago. On the evening of Friday, May 8, I speak from 7:00-7:45. The title of my talk is “The Quest for Shakespeare: Revealing His Catholicism”. On the morning of Saturday May 9, I speak from 9:30-10:15. The title of this second talk is “A Matter of Life and Death: The Battle for a True Education”. For further details of this conference, please contact Chicago@IHMConference.org or phone (540) 636 1946.

On the following weekend, May 15-16, I’m giving the same two talks at a Home School Conference in Buffalo, New York. For more details please e-mail Tracy Tremblay: quietwatershome@earthlink.net