This Friday and Saturday I am giving three talks at the Greater Milwaukee Catholic Homeschool Conference. I’ll be giving my personal tesimony, i.e. my conversion story, and will also “unlock” the Catholic dimension of The Lord of the Rings. The third talk will be on “the battle for a true education”. Those interested in attending should contact Mary-Eileen Swart at the following e-mail address:

Next Thursday, May 5th, I’ll be giving a talk at a conference in Rome at Santa Croce (the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross). The theme of the conference is “The Christian Mystery in Literature and Cinema, 1900-2000: Fathoming a Century”. My talk will be on “The Dawn of Twentieth Century Christian Literature”. Those interested in attending should contact Enrique Fuster:

On Saturday, May 13th, I’m giving the commencement address at Thomas More College in New Hampshire. Phone: (603) 880-8308.

At the end of May I believe that I’ll be speaking in southern California at an event organized by the C.S. Lewis Foundation. Details to follow.

On June 1st, I’m a live guest on Catholic Answers Live from 3-4pm Pacific/6-7pm Eastern.

In June I’m speaking on Oscar Wilde in Charleston, on Shakespeare in Rhode Island, on something or other in Kansas City, and on Lewis, Chesterton and Romanticism in Santiago, Chile. Details on all these events will be posted on this site in late May or early June.