Thanks to Joseph Pierce, who below urges readers to check out my videos of Stanford Nutting (who stands for nothing), aging hippie theologian.  I thought I’d provide the actual links to make things easier for folks who like this kind of thing:
Meet Stanford Nutting –
Stanford Nutting, Author –
Stanford is based on a number of real life people I’ve met – people we’ve all met.  Primarily, he’s based on an ex-seminarian who came to a meeting of the St. Louis Chesterton Society when we were discussing Chesterton’s brilliant book, “Orthodoxy.”  This guy bashed the book terribly, and said many things about it that made me think he’d never even read it.  “You’ve never even read ‘Orthodoxy’, have you?” I finally asked him.  “No, I haven’t,” he replied.  “Then why are you here?” I demanded.
“Because I object to the title!” he said.
I am not making this up.
So Stanford stands as a kind of homage to him and to all the aging hippies who have (sad to say) decimated the Catholic Church in the United States over the last forty years.  He’ll also be featured in several episodes of season five of Dale Ahlquist’s series “The Apostle of Common Sense” on EWTN.
Worth checking out as well is a scene that my Theater of the Word actors and I performed for season two of Joseph’s EWTN series “The Quest for Shakespeare”.  Season two won’t air until probably fall of 2010, so this is a real “sneak preview”.  As you can see, I was blessed with a wonderful actress, Christina Rios, who played Portia.
The Quality of Mercy –
Meanwhile, I’m home in St. Louis for a wonderful respite until we hit the road again in a week or so.  Happy Easter to everyone.