I’ve received an enquiry about the presence of Catholicism in Macbeth from a parent whose daughters are reading it for school. I thought that my response might interest visitors to the Ink Desk:

Thanks for your enquiry about the Catholicism in Macbeth. I’m not sure whether we have published an article in StAR specifically on Macbeth nor, if we have done so, whether it is available on the website. If you check the archives section, which shows a wide variety (but not a complete set) of back issues, you could check on the sample articles in the Shakespeare theme issues. Another good resource is the Catholic Shakespeare website, which has several articles onMacbethhttp://www.christianshakespeare.blogspot.com/search/label/Macbeth

I would, however, urge you to purchase a copy of the Ignatius Critical Edition of Macbeth, which I edited and for which I wrote a long introduction, exploring the Catholic dimension and context, which is both palpable and potent. The edition also has a number of excellent critical essays by Christian scholars: http://www.ignatius.com/promotions/ignatiuscriticaleditions/shakespeare-macbeth.htm

I hope this helps.