Ideas have consequences and so do bad choices. This is one of the reasons that the phrase “pro-choice” is so moronic. Hitler was free to choose to kill the Jews. Stalin was free to choose to kill his political enemies. These are bad choices. Indeed they are evil choices. In today’s culture of death, women are free to choose to kill their own children. As with other forms of fascism, the feminazis talk about freedom whilst practicing tyranny.

Let’s reiterate the point. Bad choices have bad consequences. Thus, for instance, the choice to kill children leads inevitably to the compulsory killing of the elderly. The aging population in Europe and the United States, coupled with the exponential growth in the cost of the welfare systems in so-called “developed” countries, will mean that the state will have no money to pay for the sick and the elderly. It is safe to prophesy that euthanasia will become compulsory for those who are too poor to pay to be kept alive. Only the rich and those who have had children prepared to look after them will be able to live to a ripe old age. The rest will be “euthanized” by a culture that will be bankrupt economically and morally. 

There is a grim irony in this ugly scenario. Those who chose to kill their own children will have no children to look after them in their impoverished old age. Their choosing to kill others will result in others choosing to kill them.

Those wishing to see the ways in which the culture of death is signing its own death warrant, should read this article about the grim future facing Britain’s aging population: