The culture of death is committing suicide. It is not only aborting, contracepting and “homosexing” itself out of existence, denying the next generation of life, it is also ripping itself apart in internecine feuding. Nowhere is this collective mass-suicide more in evidence than in Europe.


As Europeans refuse to have children, it is becoming increasingly necessary to import labour to replace the shrinking labour pool. The consequent increase in immigration will heighten the tension between the indigenous populations of Europe and the burgeoning immigrant populations. Racial tensions are higher than ever in Europe as the continent disintegrates into a balkanized cauldron of racial and ethnic conflict.


England is a powder keg, waiting to explode, especially in the volatile aftermath of the barbaric murder of an off-duty soldier by two Muslim extremists, and the increased attacks on Muslims and Mosques which followed. Yesterday (June 9) six Islamic extremists were jailed for planning to attack a demonstration by the anti-Muslim English Defence League with guns and home-made bombs.


Sweden, so long boastful in its belief that it represented the most liberal and “tolerant” of societies, has ignited in a frenzy of riots as immigrant mobs burned Stockholm and other cities, attacking the innocent and venting their fury against a host culture from which they are utterly alienated.


Perhaps recent developments in France epitomize the suicide of Europe most graphically. That nation’s legitimization of so-called same-sex “marriage” has led to unprecedented mass demonstrations in support of true marriage, in which Christians have been joined by Muslims in opposition to secular fundamentalism and the culture of death. This coming together of Muslims and Christians in defence of marriage and traditional morality in the face of the gross and grotesque onslaught of the dictatorship of relativism is itself an interesting and intriguing development. 


Last month, also in France, an anti-marriage communist demonstrator was killed in clashes with pro-marriage skinheads and neo-Nazis. Even more bizarrely, the suicide of far-right historian, Dominique Venner, at the altar of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, in protest against the legalization of same-sex “marriage”, epitomized the suicidal death-wish at the heart of Europe.


What has suicide to do with the culture of life? The supreme irony is that Venner’s suicide symbolized not only the death of Europe, which was presumably his intention, but also the reason behind Europe’s death. Despair, the bitter and deadly fruit of apostasy, is killing Europe. 


Despair is the fruit of the sin of pride. It doesn’t really matter if it’s “gay pride” or anti-gay pride, whether it’s communists or skinheads. Pride kills itself and others. It sacrifices others on the altar of its own ego before ultimately killing itself in its own death wish.


What Europe needs is not acts of defiant and suicidal despair but acts of humble and life-affirming faith. Europe needs to return to the altars of her churches in the worship of the Faith that is the heart and meaning of Europe herself. If there’s no faith, there’s no future.


The generation that has no children has no future.


When Europe dies, killed by her own suicidal death wish, the Faith will remain. The future belongs to families and to those who have children. The future belongs to the culture of life. After the culture of death has committed suicide, within a generation or two of its failure to be open to new life, the New Life will rise, phoenix-like, from the ashes.


Après le deluge, la Foi! 


Europe the Apostate is dying; long live the Europe of the Faith!