This was sent to me by Fr. Glen Mullan of Corpus Christi, Texas …
“The following quotation is, to my mind, one of the most powerful, eloquent, and lucid commentaries on the current abortion industry, and the horror of human embryonic stem cell research that is now being implemented heart-and-soul in our nation by the Obama administration:
‘It is the grimmest of ironies that one of the most savage, barbaric acts of evil in history began in one of the most modernized societies of its time, where so many markers of human progress became tools of human depravity: science that can heal, used to kill; education that can enlighten, used to rationalize away basic moral impulses; the bureaucracy that sustains modern life, used as the machinery of mass death, a ruthless, chillingly efficient system where many were responsible for the killing, but few got actual blood on their hands.’
These words were spoken by Barack Hussein Obama this past week, April 23, 2009, on ‘Holocaust Remembrance Day.’  (”
President Obama spoke these words referring to the Holocaust – the Holocaust of the 1940’s, that is, not the Holocaust of the present day that he supports.  It is indeed the “grimmest of ironies”.