The theme of this issue is “Revolution versus Revelation: France & the Faith”.


Stephanie A. Mann compares “Revolution and Private Revelation”, sketching “Some Notes on Marian Apparitions in France”.

Joseph G. Trabbic writes on “Étienne Gilson on Doing Philosophy in the Light of Revelation”.

Fr. Henri Giroux reveals “What everybody seems to have missed” in Pascal’s Wager.

Matthew Chominksi admires the aesthetic of Chateaubriand and Ratzinger as “A Frenchman and a German Walk the Path of Beauty”.

John Beaumont considers “The Case of Adolf Retté: A Great French Convert and Catholic Apologist”.

Lisa Salinas teaches “A Lesson in Trust at the Feet of Millet”.

Ken Clark offers his impressions of “Monet’s Rouen Cathedrals”.

Susan Treacy scales the heights of the “Requiem Aeternam: Gabriel Fauré’s Vision of Rest”.

James M. Wilson follows Raïssa Maritain into the mystical depths.

Brendan D. King translates Rainer Maria Rilke.

Fr. Dwight Longenecker joins C. S. Lewis in condemning the hideous strength of the “N.I.C.E. New World”.

James Bemis praises the classic movie, The Life and Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Kevin O’Brien is aghast as “The Germans Invade St. Louis” and recalls when he was Jung at heart!

Fr. Benedict Kiely discusses “The Real Moral Equivalence” with regard to the Islamist slaughter of Christians.

Ken Colston reviews Catholic Literature and Secularisation in France and England, 1880-1914.

Philip Gonzales reviews The Poet as Believer: A Theological Study of Paul Claudel.

Andrew Lomas reviews Battling to the End: Conversations with Benoit Chantre.

Clara Sarrocco reviews The Life of Sr. Marie de Mandat-Grancey & Mary’s House in Ephesus.

Fr. Colum Power reviews Abandonment to Divine Providence.

Marie Dudzik reviews Master Thomas Aquinas and the Fullness of Life.

S. R. Aichinger reviews The Oracles Fell Silent.

Louis Markos reviews The Hobbit Party: The Vision of Freedom that Tolkien Got and the West Forgot.

Thomas Martin reviews Fr. Milward’s Issues of Life.