I note that there is a less than positive review of my book, Through Shakespeare’s Eyes, in a new review print publication, with a website as well, named NEW CATHOLIC BOOKS & MEDIA.

Here is the link to the review:


It’s often best to avoid responding to poor reviews but the utter lack of logic in this particular review forces me to respond. Here’s the response I posted to the review. I begin with a quote from the review, which misconstrues the opening lines of my preface:

Please allow me to quote from the review above:
‘Seeing the Catholic presence is one thing; being told in the first sentence of the preface that “the historical, biographical and documentary evidence for Shakespeare’s Catholicism” is given is quite another … This is sheer hubris.’
Now, please allow me to quote the whole of the first sentence from my preface: “This volume is intended as a companion to The Quest for Shakespeare, in which the historical, biographical, and documentary evidence for Shakespeare’s Catholicism is given.” Your reviewer does not mention the fact that the evidence is given in an earlier volume, a volume which she fails to even mention anywhere in the review and a volume which it is safe to presume she has never read. Nor does she mention that I state in the very opening sentence from which she cites that this is a companion volume to the earlier one in which the evidence is given. Yet she lambasts me for failing to show evidence in this book that I have shown in the earlier book. She has clearly not read the earlier book and is, therefore, presumably unfamiliar with the evidence contained therein. As such, her sweeping assertion that there is no evidence is rooted in ignorance.

I wish this journal well but hope that in the future you will be more diligent in your choice of reviewers.