I’ve made a habit over the past months and years of lambasting my native land for its meretricious decadence and lamenting its imminent demise. It is, therefore, a pleasant novelty to be able to report some good news from the Old Country.

Due to feminist complaints about the absence of a female presence on British banknotes, the Band of England has bowed to pressure and announced that it will be removing the image of Charles Darwin from the £10 note and replacing him with Jane Austen.

How delightful! The majestic Miss Austen, with her decorous understanding of moral convention and her orthodox Christian portrayal of the correct and virtuous relationship between the sexes, has replaced one of the icons of destructive scientism. This is indeed the survival of the fittest!

Those wishing to learn more about the natural selection of Jane Austin and the extinction of Darwin, should follow this link:   
