Since my last post, way back on July 13th, I have been on the road almost continuously. Hence, and by way of an excuse for my absence, I have been exiled from my family as well as from this site. Nor is there any respite in sight. I leave in less than an hour for the airport, destined for a homeschool conference in Dallas. Last weekend I was at another homeschool conference in Tampa, Florida, after having spent the previous week teaching a high school summer program on Tolkien at Ave Maria University. Prior to that I was in a recording studio recording an audio version of my book, The Quest for Shakespeare. Yesterday, my only working day at home in two weeks, I wrote a preface for a forthcoming Ignatius book which I believe will be titled The Best of Chesterton’s Essays. The essays were selected collectively by myself, by the irrepressible Dale Ahlquist, President of the American Chesterton Society, and by the Grand Old Man of Chestertonia, Aidan Mackey. It promises to be a fine volume and ideal for those wishing to get to know Chesterton the Essayist. Such is my news, and such is my excuse for being absent from the StAR Ink Desk. 

As soon as I have some time back in my office I intend to write on several events that have animated my passions in recent weeks, not least of which is the forthcoming beatification of John Henry Newman, and the return to Christian belief of A. N. Wilson. I might also vent on the subject of England’s godlessness and on the betrayal of Belloc. Watch this space …

In the interim, you might be interested in this interview that I did on Chilean television during my visit to Santiago last year. This clip, which is but a snippet of the full half-hour interview, touches upon my prison experience and my conversion. Check it out: